Hegelian Philosophy and the Modern Day

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” - George Santayana The present can seem like a very unstable and turbulent time. It seems as if the world is splitting itself apart, becoming more polarized and opinionated. However, to understand the direction the world is headed, we need to look back in the past for answers. Now, Hegel is notorious for being incredibly difficult to read. His works are often long-winded and use poor english to convey his thoughts....

June 17, 2023 · Rohan Arni

Marbury V. Madison: The First Supreme Court Case

On February 24, 1803, the first and most influential supreme court case of America occurred. This case lives in obscurity to most citizens, but without it, the Supreme Court would not have the power it has today. The issue of the case arose from a seemingly simple dispute. It all began during the Election of 1800. When incumbent president John Adams was voted out of office, he created a scheme to keep his party, the Federalists, in control of one of the branches of the government....

June 17, 2022 · Rohan Arni

Why China’s History Matters So Much

Hi. It’s been a while. Sorry for not writing at all! I’ve been pretty busy, but I didn’t write because I was very lazy. So anyways, I’m back! Let’s get into today’s topic! China. You can’t read the news without hearing about China. China is predicted to take over the US as the number one global superpower by 2032, and some estimate that to be even earlier. But how did this happen?...

August 29, 2021 · Rohan Arni